Friday, April 9, 2010

"Girlfriend Kidnapped By Ninjas..."

My sister-in-law and I took our niece to Chicago last weekend to see Beauty and the Beast in celebration of her big 5th birthday. As we were walking from the theater to Elephant and Castle for dinner, we saw numerous homeless people with signs out panhandling. One sign really caught my attention - "Girlfriend Kidnapped By Ninjas. Need $ for Kung-fu Lessons!" When the going gets tough, the tough get creative!! I love it!

Make a pact with yourself to take one challenge that comes up next week and look at it through completely new filters. Call a trusted friend and run the scenario by them. Oftentimes we are just to close to the problem to see the creative solution. Gather as much input from as many varied sources as you feel appropriate, and then get creative. There is almost always a different way (and often better way) to do things than the one we're accustomed to. If you get stuck, take a break and join a kung-fu class so at the very least you'll be able to save a loved one from ninjas!

Have a super weekend!

1 comment:

  1. Reminds me of a talk I once heard and the example of creating a message that means something to the reader.

    The example was a homeless persons sign.

    Example A "HOMELESS - Please Help" (this gets ignored, right?)

    Example B "What if YOU were hungry?" (creative messaging)

    I think about this a lot when I see or hear of car wash operators when they are advertising talk about all the money they spent on signs, radio spots, etc. And they decry advertising by saying "it doesn't work".... but rarely do they realize that just because you placed an ad doesn't mean it's effective - sure you miss 100% of the time if you don't swing -- but you need to properly craft a message that is (drumroll) effective and captures the attention of your audience.
