Friday, January 22, 2010

Why, oh Why "Scary Guy" ?

At Super Wash, our mission is to "Meet and Greet Each Customer and Make A Positive Difference In Their Day". We try to live this mission at every level of the company, but it is certainly paramount on the "front lines" at the car washes. We are very proud of the fact that over the years Super Wash has provided a place of employment for hundreds of managers/attendants who help us achieve our mission while providing them an opportunity to contribute to their community. Many, many of these managers/attendants have been retirees who have come to us after years of service to another company or organization. We are very fortunate to benefit from their past work, and life!, experiences. There are a number of heart-warming stories about managers/attendants being brought ice cream by adoring fans, handing out suckers to kids and treats to the family pet who rides along to the car wash, helping someone down on their luck find a place to call 'home' and also being laid to rest in their "Super Wash Blues" (Super Wash uniform coats/shirts/hats are all royal blue in color). We have been profoundly touched by these individuals and their stories and we are grateful for their contribution to this company's legacy.

As every employer knows though, not all employees are shining stars. We also have a story about a guy simply referred to as "Scary Guy". Yeah, he doesn't work at a Super Wash(r) car wash anymore. Scary Guy did not give customers, or anyone he came into contact with frankly, that warm fuzzy feeling. We've all had an experience with Scary Guy at some retail location and for many of us, that person affected our decision to return to that business. While there is no dollar value that can be put on an outstanding employee and what they bring to a business, there is also no dollar amount that can fully showcase the long-lasting damage a poor employee has caused. For the love of your business, and customers, help Scary Guy exit your system ASAP!

In these trying economic times, outstanding customer service is so very important. A note to myself as an employer, and to you, is to invest the time to find super people to represent you to your customers. There are lots of really wonderful people out there who want to do a good job and contribute. Dig a little deeper to find them. Trust me, Scary Guy is right at the surface of the employment pool, skip by him/her, dive a little deeper and you will find that person who will 'Make A Positive Difference' for your team. Until next time, have a SUPER day!

1 comment:

  1. Susan, great article. I have had many experiences with this type of employee. Only one addition, it could be "scary gal" too. Keep blogging. DVB.
